Aquastab E5

  • Industry
    • Rubber
  • Region
    • EMEA
    • NA
  • Application & Dosage

      Application of 5-15% with respect to latex is recommended.  The actual amount should  be determined by the user for their own application

Aquastab  E5 Emulsion is designed as a foaming agent for use in production of foamed latex mouldings.  Aquastab E5 results in a fine cell size and a harder, more defined foam than Aquastab E3.   Especially useful for 3D special effects used in film, TV and theater productions

Product Features

  • Used for latex foam manufacture, low viscosity, easy to handle and incorporate into latex foam

Typical Properties

40 Active Solids (%)
500 viscosity (mPas)
1.0 Specifc Gravity
9 pH